I do appreciate your clarity here, and keep up the explanations, however if you are using Amazon Ads, that's not really a fair representation for those who purely publish on Amazon without ads and want to know how many clicks and hence royalties they should expect.

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But I don't think any authors publish without doing any marketing do they? Even if you have a blog, that's a form of marketing. A Facebook page is marketing. If you're not paying with money then you're paying with the time it takes to write your blog. I just searched "dating books" on Amazon.com and there's 35 pages of books listed as "sponsored" (meaning they're using paid ads.) I don't think it's possible to compete without without some serious marketing, including paid ads.

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I love the excitement and transparency in your Posts.

That's a fantastic result, especially the ratings. They are so hard to get and you have done an excellent job at leveraging Substack to get them.

Keep it up!

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Thank you, Veronica!

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Thank you for sharing!

I don't have a manuscript yet, but will work on it, and this post is encouraging👍

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Keep at it. Given time, the manuscript gets done.

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