I haven’t actively dated since the mid 70’s, so I was wondering what it’s like to meet someone online, and later meet in person, and if your expectations aren’t what you expected. We all want to put our best foot forward, and it’s easy to create an illusion about ourselves online. 💥

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Love this!👏 I started a writing experiment this year called 30 dates w the divine for similar reasons- to acclimate myself to just going out and meeting people the natural way.

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Hi Tara, yes, I find when we meet someone and we just really CONNECT... there's no beating this. The opportunity for this seems to happen when you meet someone unexpectantly or when you're participating in a shared in-person experience.

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I agree :) All the in person dates I had last year just had an energy to them that I wanted to continue, whereas the online ones didn't, even when we met up in person. :/

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I'm just doing another edit to my book. I'm in the chapter where I recommend that when you do meet someone you like online that it's a good practice to meet in person shortly thereafter. Here's the quote that's related, "Meeting a person and liking them online and meeting and liking them in real life are totally different things. No matter how much there seems to be funny banter, good chemistry, and happy tingles online, it will feel different when you meet in person. When you meet in person, you probably know within a few minutes (or even seconds) if you’re into the person or not. So, save yourself the time and hassle of feeling all these emotions and then being disappointed when you find out that you don’t feel the same butterflies face to face."

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Oh my gosh yes 💯 I had a year long online courtship w a man during 2020 and when we met in person finally well you can imagine the confusion/ overstepping myself that led to a bad outcome🤦🏻‍♀️

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